sábado, 17 de enero de 2015

Oily fish

Fish such as anchovy, mackerel, salmon, trout, sardines and tuna; are rich in omega 3 oil. This form part of our cells in: genitals and retinal neurons.
 This oil is formed by fish that inhabits in deep, cold seas, far from the polluted coastline. The waste from the 5 continents goes to the seas, so it's better to eat red fish meat, not just for their healthy oils, but in a sense they're cleaner, and live far from the coast.
 Eventually fish can present high levels of cadmiun, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals.

Industrial oils, margarine

Oils are processed up to 270°C ( to deodorize them), then they're mixed up with hexane, phosphoric acid, caustic soda and other substances.
 Above 150 °C, the unsaturated fats become mutagenic. Over 160°C the dangerous trans fatty acids are formed. More than 220°C the production of trans fatty acids increases exponentially.

Margarines are made by reheating vegetable oils at 180°C. Then it's bombarded with hydrogen atoms, thus a polymer is formed, with a structure more similar to a plastic.
 Both, industrialized oils and margarines are highly toxic. (S. Barrio)

Consequences of eating trans fats

Causes deficiency of AGE's. Trans fats are found in high concentrations in: the brain,, sensorial organs, testes and adrenal glands.
 Also they affect the arterial walls, the regulation of blood pressure, platelet aggregation, kidney function, immune response and inflamation.
 The corrosive effect on the arteries, increases the total cholesterol, lowers the good cholesterol.
 It decreases the testosterone level, increasing the sperms weakness. Decreases the efficiency of immune response. After the liver metabolism, so it can't transform toxic and carcinogenic waste products. Reduce the insulin response.

Light foods

It's a great lie that helps to reduce weight. Sugar is replaced by fructose or saccharin, they are highly caloric. They can provoke: hypertension, gastric and kidney disorders. (Source: Instituto Mexicano de Seguridad Social).
 Aspartame is used instead of sugar, too. There are different brands: Nutra Sweet, Canderel, other.
 Aspartame has: 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid and 10% metanol.
 The decomposition of phenylalanine forms diketopiperazine (DkP) which is responsible of brain tumors. Aspartic acid is another carcinogenic substance. Methanol or wood alcohol, makes blind or kill those who drink adulterated liquors.

In nature methanol and ethanol coexist, but the toxic effects of the methanol are neutralized by the ethanol.
 These sugar substitute is present in chewing gum, yogurt, cereals, candies, different foods and even in medicines.
 Methanol produces formth formic acid, another carcinogenic substance.
 The U.S. FDA recognizes that there are 92 symptons associated with aspartame ingesta.

Tea and coffee

There's evidence that coffee is addictive. A person may experience some symptons at any stage of consumption (intoxication) and also when he leaves this infusion. The American Academy of Psychiatry, states that 350 mg of caffeine can produce intoxication (1 cup of coffe has 120 mg of caffeine more or less). So we are talking about 3 cups daily.
 Typical symptons when someone leaves coffee are: headaches, dizziness, irritability, nervourness, depression, nausea and more.

Laboratory animals, whose mothers received caffeine as part of their diet, showed problems with the teeth enamel, cavities. Studies made by british scientists, suggests that excessive consumption of soft drinks by adolscents, destroys their teeth, create behavioral problems and affect their growth. Also augments  the chances of spontaneous abortion. With 6 or more cups daily, increases dramatically the levels of the negative cholesterol and triglycerides. Heart problems and arteries hardening occurs.
 Scientists in Hawaii found that those who drink more than a cup daily, their risk of cancer increased too.

Over 300 mg of caffeine per day, increases the risk of losing calcium from the bones, especially in women after menopause.

In regard of tea, it's also known to have caffeine, but in smaller quantities. There are several studies that analyze the amount of caffeine in coffee and tea, bbut they give different results.

These great variations are due to:

1- The coffee used is not exactly the same. Some grains have less caffeine, because of different climatic, irrigation and fertility conditions.

2- The extraction of the essence hasn't been standardized.

3- When they talk about cups, there are no specific sizes.


According to Prinal's handbook (a chilean company), it's the only vegetal that has a similar content of amino acids  similar to meat, but the problem lies in their quantities and bioavailability.

For us americans (north, central and south) it's not an adequate food. In Nutrition there is a basic principle that stablishes that we adapt ourselves to the food that  is around us, not to foreign ones. Soybeans were grown in Asia, originally. So it could be a good kind of food for asians, but not so good for us.
The general idea is to eat what's around you, according to the seasons.
A huge problem is that most of the soybeans has been genetically modified.

Genetically modified foods

Currently there are 2 products that have been GM  and are used for animals and humans: soybeans and corn. I think that tomatoes too. (Great scientific discoveries???, it's time to pray).
The problem with the GMF is that the tecnology and commerce is in hands of big Corporations. Obviously they look for profits. They don't care about us.
The food industries - I think- is against us, there additives for all purposes. Essences of chili, smoke, even pizza, are used.

A little story, Arpad Pusztai - a reknown scientist, used to work in the Rowet Institute in Scotland, he was dismissed because he publicated the results of the tests with  GM potatoes on lab rats. He found an unusual growth in different organs in the laboratory animals. He was injured by the scientific community. He had to deal even with the former Prime Minister of the UK Tony Blair. There was a lot of money involved.

I'd like to know if on any european country the consumption of GMF are permitted. Thanks.

Besides there is an enormous damage to the ecology, as their genetic material is dispersed by insects and wind.
Mother Nature spent thousands of years  to develop some plants and animals. Every known species (animal or vegetal) reproduces itself with their own species.. A tomato doesn't change genetic material with a fish, tomatoes goes with tomatoes, fish with fish, thatś it.
This GM system is being made unconciously by Corporations, not by persons seeking for something good for humanity.
If I eat rice that has received genetic material from a fish, how is it going to be digested???, it's a messy situation.
Dear reader, think please, today the Companies live according to ethical principles and values???, or they are simply looking for money???

The answer is abvious. If someone has been raising animals -as me- you know that ethics and values are out of business.
Don't be innocents, please.

GMF producers, friends, why is your consciousness asleep and obscured by power and arrogance? What is the purpose of making money, doing a lot of harm to our planet and inhabitants? Your own family could be affected. What is the purpose of having a lot of money, when your home  (our planet) is being destroyed.
It's an absurd situation and you aren't going to fix this environmental and human problem.
Friends, please, open your eyes, look around you: diabetes, cancer, etc. I'm trying to explain and give practical solutions to these big problems.

We see that Health and Food Industries have colluded themselves against humanity. And our authorities and politicians, what are they doing? Do you think that you are immune to these things. It's a very entangled situation.
Think, please, but I believe that we've lost our thinking abilities with all the things we eat.

But miracles exist.

Problems of dried legumes

Their content of proteins and carbohydrates is excessive. Their digestion generates a lot of gas and various toxic  substances.
The red bean peel have antinutrients, that don permit a normal digestion of their proteins, almost 50% goes out with our faeces (study made by a teacher of a peruvian University).

The good sprouts

These fresh and tender shoots are great. They have an excellent content of vitamins and minerals. The vitamin C increased by 60% during the germination of wheat. The best seeds to germinate are of alfalfa, lentils, wheat.
According to Sacha Barrio, when a grain is germinated it increases about 600% its content of vitamins and minerals. It's a must to eat these sprouts, they give us life.

Continue in: http://cnaturaltherapies.blogspot.com/

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